My family

My family

Sunday, April 3, 2011



by Stacie Rockhill on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 12:38pm
Recently, I have been thinking about popularity. The struggle to be popular and the desire to be popular is a common theme in children's movies and TV shows. Kids want to fit in, be accepted and often measure that acceptance by being in the "popular" group at school. But we out grow it, right? I mean we mature and see that we don't need to be in the "in" crowd, do we? 
Sadly, for me, part of me never out grew this. I was feeling down last night and thinking about my friends. I have some WONDERFUL, LOVING, faithful, trustworthy, giving friends!! Friends who have been my friends for decades and a few who are newer friends. Yet, last night I found myself wishing I was more like "her". Maybe you know the "her" I am talking about... She's the center of attention wherever she goes. People are just drawn to her. She's fun and funny. She seems to be instantly liked by everyone. She's the person other women call for lunch, shopping trips or playdates. She has no problems striking up a conversation with anyone. You know her - she's the popular girl. 
My husband was so sweet. He listened to me whine about how I am NOT that girl. I complained how I am the girl who never knows what to say and probably says all the wrong things becasue I am so nervous. I am the girl who sits and watches because I don't know what else to do. I am the girl who takes 10 years to get to know the woman who's sat acrossed the table from me at MOPS. and last night I didn't want to be me... I wanted to be HER - the popular girl. 
Then, Steve gently reminded me my friends aren't my friends because I am "Her". They are my friends because I am me. It might take me a long time to develop friendships (Steve says it's because I am cautious about letting people in), but the friendships I make are real and deep and last a lifetime. 
SO thank you to the friends who have patiently gotten to know ME. Who are still my friends despite the distance and busy schedules that keep us from seeing each other often enough. Thank you for helping me realize (whether you know it or not) that you don't have to be "that girl" to be loved and accepted and even popular :-) I love you guys!

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