My family

My family

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'm Back

It's summer again. A full year since I last posted anything. Not exactly what I had intended when I started this "blogging adventure". A lot has changed since my last entry. This year my 3 children were in 3 schools, elementary, middle and jr. high. I was in preschool, starting a new adventure as a (paid) teacher. Our family took on new roles in programs at work, school and church. In addition, we adopted a second dog, made more renovations and repairs to our home and got busy to the point that we all got stressed out (or at least mommy got stressed out which stressed everyone else out). It's been a learning year for us all.
Somethings haven't changed at all though I am very proud to say. This year we will celebrate 16 years of marriage (19 years since we met and started dating). We have had our share of trials and tough times but as a couple and as a family we continue to grow stronger and learn more about how to work and play together. Watching our girls learn and grow and become beautiful, loving, smart young women is a continual source of joy for us.
Every day God reminds me He is good and faithful, even on or maybe especially on the days I start doubting and loosing faith. Whether it is a cooling rain that paints a rainbow in the sky on a hot day, or a kind unexpected word of support and encouragement from an unexpected source or the right song at the right time on the radio, everyday I feel God letting me know when I am on the right path and when I get off track.
My hope for this blog this summer and in the future is that I can share some of our adventures as individuals, a couple and as a family. Through those adventures I hope you (whoever might read this) can share in our joys and triumphs. Maybe I can inspire you or give you hope. and maybe I can show you what I see God doing in my life and in the lives of those around me.