My family

My family

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Can't stay silent

My church's head pastor shared this reminder recently (for his whole message please read "“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8,9 NIV) We are told to speak up and not remain silent when it comes to those who are hurting, needy, marginalized or disenfranchised in some way. James 2:18 states, “I will show you my faith by what I do.” Speaking up is doing what is right. It is an action of our faith. Nothing is more compelling or authentic as a witness for the Christian faith than speaking up for those in need and calling for justice."
So I am going to speak up.... There is NO race, religion, class, gender, or person who is SUPERIOR. We are all equal. Equally created, equally valuable and even equally flawed. There is no perfect person, no perfect family, no perfect culture, no perfect race. For people to think they are in some way "better than" anyone else is crazy. And when this belief that "I am better than or worth more than someone else" then is used to justify treating someone else badly (or worse) it is WRONG - from the school yard bully to the terrorist with a gun or bomb or driving a vehicle into a crowd to the individual buying or selling others people in modern slavery and human trafficking - it is WRONG. EVERY life is unique and valuable. NO person is better than any other person.
The sad thing is the idea of being superior or having a superior ideology grows. These are the lies Satan uses to make hate and prejudice grow. It can grow until it becomes extremism and even terrorism. I have NEVER understood extremists and fanatics and I understand even less when people with extreme views use aggression, violence, vandalism and even murder to "prove" their point. It just is heartbreaking to me. And yet, it all goes back to the idea that somehow some lives are worth more than others.
I pray that someday EVERYONE will honor, respect and value all human life. I don't know what I can do alone but I will keep being as loving, patient and kind as I can. I will do my best to love more and judge less. I will keep praying. I will teach my children (and anyone else I can) that while they are special, unique and wonderful, they are not worth more than anyone else and that we are all equal in the eyes of our Creator. I will teach my children to stand up for what is right - to speak out against injustice and to speak up for those being mistreated. I might be just one small person in the face of a big problem but I have faith that if enough small people like me keep speaking up, keep praying, and keep loving and trying to live out their faith, then there will be change. I pray you join me and together God will use us to make this world better for everyone.