My family

My family

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

New Chapters 2025

I haven't written in a while. Looking back I wish I had made more time to write things down. The highs and lows, and even the dull boring moments of life. Perhaps that will be this year's "resolution".

January 2025 our family and our country and perhaps the whole world, are going through changes. Change is hard. Change can be scary. Change can be wonderful and exciting. Change can overwhelm us or it can motivate us into action. Sometimes for me, with the changes going on in my personal life and the world around me, I sometimes feel ALL of these things through the course of a day.

I hope to continue writing here to help me navigate all the thoughts and feelings that come with life's changes. In our life, my husband was laid off due to "corporate restructuring" after 15 years. Our children are growing and becoming amazing women. Our parents are aging. Changes in our world - natural disasters, wars abroad, division in our country, a new President and his "team" in power and so on leave me concerned for the future. But I am finding I can lean into my faith in these times of change. I don't have answers and I can't predict the future, but I can trust God to be the lighthouse that guides me through the storm.